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The Power of Bay Leaves and Coke
April 02, 2024

The Power of Bay Leaves and Coke

Hi! Friends,

We covered some tips related to spring last month. We will cover more this month. Hope you will take the advantage of them to keep everybody healthy and get ready for the outdoor activities.

Happy Spring!

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REMEMBER: There is a NEW subscriber exclusive session where you can learn more Chinese fun facts. If you love history or do business with China, you will find this info fun and helpful.

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Natural and Cheap Ways to Get Rid of Bugs In the House

Many years ago, I got these flying bugs in my house that I tended to find them in my cabinets most of the time. No matter what methods I tried, I couldn’t get rid of them. Somehow I had this conversation with my mother-in-law and she asked if I tried bay leaves. That was the first time I heard of this. So, I thought that it would not hurt to give it a try. Viola! The bugs were gone.

All I did was to put one to two dry bay leaves in each cabinet. If you want to, a leaf a shelf. It doesn't have any smell or fragrance. In a couple of days, you will see the results.

Fun Culture

What is Hot Lemon Coke?

The fluctuations of temperature can easily cause any sickness during spring and fall. Hong Kong people love to order this drink at mom and pop café to help to clear the throat.

Check out how to make hot lemon coke in Hong Kong style by checking out Subscriber Exclusive page. Click the link below.

(Click here for MORE Subscriber Exclusive Fun Culture related to this newsletter)

Featuring Recipe

Nanny’s Chicken Soup

Funny that in Chinese culture, we are told to stay away from any chicken dishes when you are sick. But here in America, a bowl of chicken soup can basically heal everything.

After living here for more than 20 years, I found that chicken soup works every time. (Maybe our body reacts differently with different physical environment.) I even freeze some containers of this soup for emergency need.

Get Recipe

Looking for More Dinner Ideas?

No matter if you are looking for meal plans to make dinner for your family or low-carb meals for your own sake, you can rely on these ebooks.

Easy Family Dinners Cookbook (former 21 Day Fix Meal Ideas) - This ebook is for planners. But you don't need to do them. I did them for you already. All you need is to shop, cook and enjoy with your family.

Low-Carb Chinese Food Recipes | Eat Chinese to Lose Weight - Who doesn't love Chinese food? These recipes make you feel GREAT and guilt-free.

Product I Recommend

An enamel cast iron Dutch oven is great for almost all recipes on any stove top and oven. This is a MUST have.

Buy It Now

Be Safe and Healthy

Let's wrap up this month with this Bible verse.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." ~ John 1:1-5

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Until next month,

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