Who Said Frozen Vegetable Recipes
Are Boring?
Wait Till You Try These

This list of frozen vegetable recipes show you how easy to put healthy food on the table for your family.

You may think that it is just a side dish. But I usually cook a big batch and pack in several containers for my lunch.  Besides, vegetables can be very flavorful, not boring and blah.

Honestly, I never used frozen vegetables throughout my cooking life until I moved over to the States and got married.

When I first heard and saw the frozen vegetables, I despised them. In the back of my mind, I was thinking, "Who would use frozen vegetables? Vegetables must be fresh."

Well...when I had my little one, don't I rely on frozen vegetables all the time. I started to appreciate the convenience of frozen vegetables offer.

Seriously, without them, I don't think I have enough time to entertain with any healthy side dishes on a regular basis.

What Frozen Vegetables  Offer?

From my experiences of the frozen vegetables, here are some of the discoveries that I want to share with you:

  1. Frozen vegetables definitely save you time from chopping.
  2. During winter time, fresh vegetables are crazily expensive and not in season. Frozen vegetables save a lot of money.
  3. For vegetables, such as, California blend, Italian blend, stir-fry and so forth, I highly recommend to cook them when they are still in frozen form. Why?

If you like crisp tender, thawed frozen vegetables cannot fulfill that criteria. Besides, the colors are not as vibrant as if you cook them while they are still frozen. Therefore, only thaw the vegetables if the recipe requires it.

Remember this: A little twist of a simple recipe will give a very different face of a dish.

In other words, with the same kind of frozen vegetables, you can make many different delicious dishes.  Here are the frozen vegetable recipes.  Enjoy and please come back again for more new recipes.

California Blend Vegetable Recipes

Frozen Broccoli Recipes

Frozen Spinach Recipes

Frozen Cauliflower Recipes

Frozen Corn Recipes

Frozen Mixed Vegetable Recipes

Frozen Green Beans Recipes

Frozen Stir-Fry (Pepper and Onion) Mix Recipes

Other Frozen Vegetable Recipes

Frozen Vegetable Dinner Menu

Now that you know how convenient frozen vegetables are and a handful of yummy and healthy recipes on hand.  Why don't you give it a try for a frozen vegetable themed dinner week?

Here is one of the weekly menu I put together mainly using frozen vegetables on every night.  Click here and download this dinner menu.

For more easy dinner weekly dinner menu, check out this page.

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